Autistic and Proud

Welcome to my blog

I think it's great that you found your way to my blog! My name is Kelly, I'm 35 years old, autistic, non-binary, asexsual, and aromantic. Just before my 30th birthday I learned that I'm autistic. 

Overr the last couple of years I have learned a lot about myself. However, I still have a lot to learn. These past few months I have been increasingly thinking about my plans for the future, especially what I want to do in life. After much consideration I realized that I want to be a writer, which is why I started this blog. Here, I will mostly share my own experiences with you.

Mijn cavia Loki
Mijn cavia Princess

About me

My name is Kelly and I'm 35 years old. Just before my 30th birthday I learned that I'm autistic. On this day, my search began: who am I, what is autism, what does being autistic mean for me? I quickly discovererd that besides autistic, I am also non-binary, or agender. Some years later I also realised that I am asexual and aromantic.

I've loved writing for years now.  During my bachelor Language- and Culture Studies and my master American Studies, the process of writing appealed to me more and more. Doing research and writing a paper afterwards became my favorite activities during college. After I finished my studies, this came to an end. I also wasn't in the right space mentally for this. Lately I've been increasingly missing writing, which made me realize that I don't want to become an editor (which I thought for years), but a writer instead. For this reason I bought myself a laptop and started writing. 

In my daily life, I work with horses, which I love. My hobbies are mainly creative, such as reading, crochet, embroidery, drawing, sewing, and of course writing.

About my family: I have an amazing big sister and awesome, supportive parents. Additionally I have a very sweet aunt, uncle, and cousin, who have been there for me my entire life. I also have a guinea pig named Loki, whom I named after my favorite character from the Marvel cinematic universe. She also had a sister, named Princess, who unfortunately passed away a few days after their 6th birthday last year. I still miss her every day. Loki is currently 7 years old and still going strong.

Now you have a bit of an idea of who I am. If you would like to get to know me better, please feel free to read my posts. In these I will predominantly write about my own experiences.

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